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What Tattva means?

Tattva means 'an element'. As material nature is made up of a few basic elements. Like different elements in nature, life and happiness, one element that we want to achieve as humans is to explore more, get perspective, get out of the confort zone & learn more about a fulfilling life.

What is Tattva Journeys?

Tattva Journeys is a new age brand with keen insights and learnings to enable effective leisure and boutique experiences in India. We work for travel partners across the globe for their local experience management.

Our "Happyness" mantra

Indian culture is known for its non-material happiness, so is the philosophy in the day to day life. Our Brand Essence is to enrich your journeys with the element of happyness having ‘You’ at the heart of it. The same mantra extends across the vendors, suppliers, partners and off course customers.